Why Won’t My Chevy Impala Start?

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Chevrolet was, and still is, one of the world’s most influential motor vehicle manufacturing companies.

From the most powerful SUVs and pickup trucks to the most luxurious cars available, they have always had a finger in every pie.

The car in question is one of Chevrolet’s longest-running sedans, the Chevy Impala. In terms of its design and performance on the road, it has always been on top of the charts.

The Chevy Impala has its fair share of issues like any other motor vehicle. However, that does not mean that it is the perfect vehicle.

The one I will discuss today is the most common problem with this car, especially the older models of the vehicle.

The one that requires answering the question, “Why won’t my Chevy Impala start?”.

The following are some of the most common sources of this issue:

  1. Battery Issues
  2. Fuel/Fuel Pump Failure
  3. Engine Failure
  4. Starter Motor Problems
  5. Alternator Problems

You will need to read the article until the end if you want to understand everything in detail.

I recommend that you do so because the last thing you want to do is to start messing with your Chevy Impala’s engine without knowing what to do.

What Would Cause A Chevy Impala To Not Start?

How should you start your Impala when facing the issues? My guide explains how

There can honestly be any reason that prevents your Chevy Impala from starting up.

It can be something very simple, or it can be something that is beyond your understanding.

So you must know of some of the most common causes of this problem.

1: Battery Issues

As many people would say, the battery is the heart and soul of any car and the Chevy Impala is no exception to this.

The engine of your car requires electrical power to be able to turn when the ignition is attempted. If the battery is not working properly, this will not be possible.

A few things can go wrong with a battery that might prevent your car from starting up.

There is a possibility that your battery might be too old and is now not able to hold enough power or is not able to hold electricity for long periods.

A relatively new battery can also become discharged if another problem does not allow it to charge. In the last case scenario, your battery might even be completely dead.

What Should You Do About It?

  • If your battery is out of charge, your best and cheapest option is to take it to a battery shop and get it charged.
  • If the battery is dead or too old, you will need to get a new one in that case.
  • Check to see if the shop you plan to buy from has the service to exchange dead and old batteries as salvage for some sort of discount on your new battery.
  • Make sure to check your battery’s terminals as well. A lot of the time, if the terminals are not connected tightly enough or connected incorrectly, the battery cannot transfer electricity.
  • Terminals can also get corroded, so clean them off if that happens.

2: Fuel/Fuel Pump Failure

Without fuel, no mechanical machine will be able to function at all. This is also true for cars, including the Chevy Impala.

Car engines require that they be provided with fuel at the right rate and pressure. If, for some reason, that is not happening, then the engine can refuse to start up when you attempt to.

This job of providing the engine with fuel from the tank at the right pressure belongs to the car’s fuel pump.

However, before you start pointing to that complicated component as the main source of the problem, there are other things to look out for.

Fuel pressure can get messed up if there are blockages in the fuel filter or the pipes.

What Should You Do About It?

  • As mentioned above, incorrect fuel pressure is not always the fuel pump’s fault. So check the fuel filter for blockages.
  • If there are any, have them cleaned out and start the car again.
  • If the car fails to gain ignition, the problem is definitely related to the fuel pump.
  • Make sure that you check if your fuel pump can be repaired because the replacement component can be quite expensive, especially for a car like the Chevy Impala.
  • When working with fuel-related components, it is extremely important to avoid fire hazards, as even the fumes can catch fire.

3: Engine Failure

Given how old some of the models of the Chevy Impala are, the engines might have gotten a bit behind the times, no pun intended.

Even some of the newer models, if now maintained well enough, will have engine issues.

This is generally because of grease building up from no regular oil changes, hydro lock, or just poor overall maintenance.

In most reported cases with this problem, the engine seized while driving. This usually happens after a while of the car missing and feeling sluggish driving.

However, once the car stops, it does not start. The engine does attempt to turn, and there is even some ignition, but the car does not achieve full start-up.

What Should You Do About It?

  • In such cases, you should attempt to push start the Chevy Impala.
  • There is a chance that this might work as this provides the momentum the engine needs to achieve ignition.
  • An oil change is called for if this happens. This is a clear indication that you have been neglecting this.
  • Get your car checked for any sort of leakage from water sources. These are usually the main cause of hydro lock.
  • Fuel leakage can also be the cause of grease build-up of grease, so have that checked as well while you are at it.

4: Starter Motor Problems

The engine relies on a lot of moving parts in order to get the entire car going. To get these first parts moving, the car relies heavily on the starter motor.

The entire job of the starter motor is to move the crankshaft, which in turn gets the pistons moving.

This results in the engine being able to do its magic and get your Chevy Impala running.

It is safe to say that if the starter motor is damaged or defective in any way, you will not be able to start up the engine, much less move the car.

Issues with the starter motor occur due to the part itself getting worn out or damaged.

Alternative ways this can happen is via battery corrosion or issues in the electrical system, such as a bad relay.

What Should You Do About It?

  • Check to see any signs of visible damage or corrosion. You should also be on the look for loose wires.
  • If you know what you are doing, then you can also open the starter itself and see if it is in working condition.
  • Taking it out and starting it outside the engine can be a good way of doing so.
  • If you are not confident in your abilities, you should visit a mechanic and have them fix or replace the starter motor.

5: Alternator Problems

One of the biggest problems that any car can suffer from is a bad or faulty alternator.

What is interesting about this is that not many people even realize that the alternator is the issue unless they are told about it.

This can be a common occurrence simply because many of the issues that come with a faulty alternator are similar to a dead battery’s issues.

Due to this reason, many people end up changing the battery or attempting a jumpstart. Most alternator problems stem from improper care for the battery or the alternator itself.

The alternator has a lot of moving parts as well, which is why it can easily overheat and cause issues down the line.

What Should You Do About It?

  • Start by checking how long your battery can last after a jumpstart.
  • If the battery does not even last less than a day, then it is obvious that the alternator is not working as intended.
  • Look for any signs of damage on the alternator or any forms of corrosion or lose wires.
  • If you cannot find anything, it is best that you go and visit a mechanic.
  • Once the mechanic has assessed the problem, you can opt to replace or fix the alternator.
  • It is best that you replace the alternator as it will save you from further issues in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why Won’t My Chevy Impala Start with New Battery?

You should entertain the possibility that your new battery has not been installed properly.

Try taking it out and reinstalling it. You can also look for any loose connections and fix those.

If you do all this and the Chevy Impala still does not start, then it is highly likely that another system of your car is facing issues.

Q2. Why Won’t My Chevy Impala Start Even With A Jump?

If a jumpstart does not work then there can only be two possibilities. The first is that your battery is just dead, and you will need a replacement.

The second possibility is that the issue is not in the battery at all. You might want to check the ignition or other electrical components.

Q3. Why Won’t My Chevy Impala Start But Lights Work?

Since you do not require a lot of power to turn off the interior lights, your low-charged battery is able to turn them on. It can, however, not do so for the engine.

A simple jumpstart should be the solution to this problem. Alternatively, you can also just get a new battery.

Q4. Why Won’t My Chevy Impala Start But Cranks?

If your Chevy Impala is cranking, then you should be aware that the electrical system is working fine. Instead, you will have to look at other integral systems of the car.

The next obvious place to check would be the ignition system. After that, the next logical step would be to assess the starting system.

Q5. Why Won’t My Chevy Impala Start Just Clicks?

Clicking is a bad sign when it comes to cars. It usually means that your Chevy Impala has an electrical malfunction and that you will have to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Since the electrical system of the car is very complex, having a mechanic take a look is your best course of action.

Q6. Why Won’t My Chevy Impala Start In The Cold Weather?

The cold weather starts by reducing the reactions which take place in the battery.

It then slowly causes the oil in the car to thicken up, which can seriously affect the starting chances of your Chevy Impala.

If that is not enough, the spark plugs become less efficient, and the engine itself becomes very difficult to heat.

Q7. Why Won’t My Chevy Impala Start After I Get Gas?

Make sure that your Chevy Impala’s engine is getting the fuel you just acquired. There could be a good chance that the fuel lines are blocked due to contaminants.

Alternatively, it could be due to leaks that the engine is not getting adequate fuel. It could also be due to come component issues such as the fuel pumps or injectors.

Q8. Why Won’t My Chevy Impala Start But Radio Works?

The radio is one of the many low-power intensive components of your Chevy Impala.

If you are able to start up your radio but not your car’s engine, it must be a simple case of a low-charged battery.

Just like the lights, you can get your battery jumpstarted or replaced. The best option for you will depend on the age of the battery.

Related: What Are The Worst Years For The Chevy Impala?


The Chevy Impala has gone off the grid and resurfaced multiple times.

No other car would be able to retain its fan base with antics like this, but the Chevy Impala is an iconic car that has stood the test of time.

This lineup has come in with various and downright drastic visual changes. Going through major facelifts and changes, you should have no issue finding a design that suits your style.

Additionally, now that you have read this article, you should have no issue in figuring out why won’t my Chevy Impala start?

Regardless of what model it is, you can now easily assess your situation and get it fixed accordingly.